Today, I was honoured by the Social Media University, Global with an Honorary PhD in Social Media.

My dissertation, “From Lab Rat to Social Media Champion” describes the last 12 years of my work in both traditional and social media to bring perspective, insight and a little bit of entertainment to the public in Ottawa and around the globe.

There are other “Germ Guy” projects afoot such as a potential tour and maybe even a book.  In addition, I’ll be keeping up my work to inform and engage the public (now in both official Canadian languages) and commit to keep everyone posted on the progress, the challenges, the successes and yes, the failures.  After all, as Edison once said,

“If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.”

But for now, I am just happy to have received this laud and wish to convey my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who participates in the dissemination of knowledge and the engagement of the public towards better health and hygiene.  Without you, I wouldn’t be able to achieve this, or any success.

From the bottom of my germy heart…thank you.