Hey everyone,

It’s been quite the experience putting together this book. Unlike The Germ Code, which was a Woody Allenesque examination of our dysfunctional history with germs, this book is all about the present. We’ve come such a long way and I’m excited to share what we know and most importantly, what we can look forward to in the future.


If you’re interested in learning more about the book, you can check out this little promo I put together for my publisher, Penguin Random House.

As you see in the video, we filmed in what has been my second home for decades, the laboratory. It continues to be the place where I feel comfortable although I’m also enjoying being in the radio booth or TV studio. But, despite being fortunate enough to be in the media, I still look to the lab as the foundation of my work.



Before I wrote The Germ Files I read through thousands of scientific articles, dozens of chapters, and a few books. This is all a part of the academic life; we read papers. But when it came to to the words on the page, citing each and every piece of information would have really taken away from the wonderful look and feel of the text.

I still wanted to be sure the foundation was still solid so for each section of each theme, I set a list of the papers and other information I read. It was significant to say the least. After the book was completed, I went back and chose the most important papers to anyone who might be interested in learning more.

So, with that, I came up with a list of the 501 most relevant scientific articles. They are only in citation format but most will be easy to find online and many are open access, meaning you will be able to read them without having to pay for the articles.

Without further ado, here is the citation list as a PDF: The-Germ-Files-501-References

More updates will follow so keep an eye here or on my Twitter feed @JATetro